Friday, June 22, 2007

What have you lost lately?

When Penelope went missing last year, I felt a little silly putting up "Lost Chicken" signs. We now know that she was probably eaten by the raccoon that ate Beatrice a few months ago. After the purchase of a ridiculously enormous (I mean, you could fit a labrador retriever in this thing) live trap, the raccoon was nabbed and forcibly relocated several miles from our house.

Last night as I was lying in bed I heard the coyotes howling. There are quite a few neighborhood dogs that can raise a ruckus, but the coyotes have a very distinctive yodeling howl. It's both fascinatingly beautiful and frankly a little bit scary. They could be celebrating a summer night, or coordinating a hunt.
I fear that I saw the face of their quarry on the stop sign at the end of our street. I will keep my eyes peeled, and I always have rope in the back of my car to gather up wayward animals. But I don't hold out much hope for poor Hans.

In happier news, that soup sure was tasty.

Eggs laid in the coop today: 1 (henrietta)
Eggs found in the woods today: 0 (wily ursula is up to her antics)


Kristie said...

sadly I haven't seen Hans.

Anonymous said...

What's the recipe for that soup?

It looks refreshing....

sarah said...

The soup is one of Charlie's invented concoctions..... It's part chicken noodle soup, part tom ka gai. I will try to figure out what he did, since I've been meaning to start up a recipe entry once a week or so.