During the Great Horrible Snowstorms of last winter, one of the casualties of the yard was a big camellia tree. Normally they come in bush form but this one was so gigantic it could only be called a tree. I didn't witness it's demise, but I am assuming that an accumulation of ice and snow on top of an insufficient root system made the whole thing tip over. It's languished in the yard until now. Today I went at it with a hand saw and threw the pieces into the gully on the side of the house to fend for themselves. There is one large lonely part of the trunk sticking up. It is pretty solid when rocked, so I figured I would leave it there and do something interesting. Perhaps attach a bird feeder? A dragon head? Who knows.
It did feel strange not to rake today.
It did feel strange not to rake today.
The future has arrived. Charlie may make computer games, but does he make games that are good enough to represent the tastiest cherry tomatoes in the universe? Seriously, these tomatoes are like crack cocaine. Normally I have issues with eating cherry tomatoes whole because the pop in my mouth is a little too much like an eyeball. But I get past that pretty quickly with these little beauties. Three of the tomato plants in the garden are cherry this year, and I can't wait.
make a really short maypole of the stump! or... a pedestal for a garden gargoyle?...
...a place to spit the heads of your enemies as a warning?
I say be bold, get rid of the stump and be REALLY imaginative with your very own part of the globe:-)Costanza
You're a talented lady- can you carve? Wanna learn?
From BoingBoing: http://www.uitschot.com/projecten/14gameboom.htm
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