Monday, June 20, 2011

Nine Months

in motion

Nine months old and ready for anything. As of their checkup today, both boys are the same height, have the same head size, but Liam weighs 19.5 pounds and Dash 18.5. They each have six teeth. Yet differences abound...

- can stand as long as he's holding on to something, and spends a great deal of his time standing at baby gates shaking them like a seasoned convict.
- has decided that he no longer wants to lay down on his back for anything at all. This is especially difficult when you are changing an apocalyptic diaper in the back of the car in a parking lot. I got the job done, but it was an epic battle. His little legs are like stubby trees.
- finally is taking some interest in solid food. He prefers little puffed cracker things, or rice husk cakes. As long as he can pick it up in his hands it is fair game. Pancakes, tofu, enormous carrots to gnaw on.

reading one of his animal flashcards, a perennial favorite activity

checking things out from up on high

reading a book (and by "read" I mean "chew")

- finally has started crawling! Sometimes his arms and legs pinwheel and he ends up spreadeagled on the floor, but for the most part he gets where he wants to go.
- loves those little yellow sunshine gears more than anything.
- has a stuffed aardvark named Aartie that he chews on, making a "gollum gollum" sound while he does it.
- has gone bonkers over cantaloupe and eats it like it's the best thing on earth.

cheesecake pose



the dash the dash the dash is on fire

I'm afraid my monthly quilt photos aren't working anymore. Even with Charlie wrangling we couldn't get both boys to lie still long enough to take a picture. We tried!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful 9-months report! You get A+ for being an exceptionally observant mother and A++ for telling the stories of your and the boys days so beautifully. Happy summer, Stanza

Dad said...

Superb boys. Superb parents.